About us
The mission of Sausalito Pride is to celebrate, showcase and support Sausalito’s LGBTQ+ community, culture and history.
Sausalito has a long and colorful history, but until 2023, the city had never hosted an official LGBTQ+ celebration or festival. Neighbors and friends that have lived here for decades don’t recall any formal Pride events, although they’ve always felt welcome. Well, we are excited to host our new city-wide Pride celebrations in Sausalito, and we’d love your help.
Join us for our 2024 Pride Celebration!
Our 2024 Partners
A special THANK YOU to our incredible partners. We could not do this without you!
Our Proud History
One of the original “gayborhoods” in the Bay Area,
Sausalito has a history of welcoming all people. In fact, in the 1950’s
Sausalito had more gay bars (eight of them!) than any other place in the country!
Our Partners
We are proud to partner with and support the businesses, restaurants, and citizens of Sausalito and Southern Marin.
Our Community
Many Sausalito residents are members or allies of the LGBTQ+ community. Come out, meet the community and make friends!
The mission of Sausalito Pride is to celebrate, showcase and support Sausalito’s vibrant LGBTQ+ community, culture and history.
“I’m proud of Sausalito’s vibrant and inclusive past, and I’m proud that we’re creating an inclusive community for the future as well.”
— Janelle Kellman, Sausalito City Councillor